Recruitment has now closed for the S-Check App study, however if you would like more information you can download the Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form here

We have had reports that some previous participants may still be able to access the App on their devices.

Please note that now the study has closed, we are no longer collecting data nor offering vouchers for participation.

Once published, results from the S-Check App study will be made available on this website. Please check back soon.

If you have any questions on the S-Check App trial, please email

Who is conducting the study?

The S-Check App Trial is conducted by the Stimulant Treatment Program at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, UNSW Sydney, and the University of Newcastle.

Funding has been provided by a grant from the NSW Ministry of Health.


Assisted by


Any information that you provide will be kept confidential and will only be used for the purposes of this project.

This project has been approved by the St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney HREC Ref No: 18/171